Monday, August 11, 2008

Go for the Gold!!

The Olympics are upon us. While I know many are boycotting watching for humanitarian reasons (and I totally respect that) we are not. I want my kids to see the athletes through their young innocent eyes. I don't want to tell them about human rights violations or the murder of the coach or even steroids or impartial judges.
They are too young to be bogged down by the politicalness of it all. We watch for the sheer excitement that the Olympics should be but really never are...or ever were as far as I can I tell.

I wasn't home to see the openning ceremonies but I asked Mike to put it on for the kids. The next morning i asked Johanna if she watched the show.
She told me she saw the fireworks.
I asked, "did you see the athletes walk in?"
"What are athletes?" she asked.

So in my home my kids are gymnasts today. They are leaping off the couch, turning cartwheels and wearing leotards. We made paper medals and they wore them proudly claiming they won the Olympics.
Michael was watching and waiting for a gymnast to spin in the air during her floor number. "fly fly!!" he cheered. Finally she did and he said, "yeah good job!!" clapping.

I guess they are learning what athletes are.

Johanna made a banner with " GO USA" (only her "S" is kind of backwards and looks more like snake facing the opposite way) and she drew a picture of the balance beam on it.

I want them to have the feel of an exciting game. Will they be looking up on Youtube, years from now, the USA team winning the swimming relay the way I was showing them Nadia, win the perfect score?
Who knows? I know I just don't want them miss out while they can still watch and believe the world is one.

1 comment:

Judy said...

I think the kids look great sporting their Gold Medals.

During the couple of weeks that the Olympics is on TV...the world really is far as the athletes are concerned.

Maybe there are a few judges that are a bit biased, but all in all it is a wonderful time.

I hope you saw the men's relay team beat was such an exciting race...I was jumping all over my living room and screaming!!

Thanks for sharing the photo of your Gold Medalists.

GO USA!!!!

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